Register Interest Innovation studio

Begin your innovation journey

Innovation starts here…

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We're supporting local innovation by taking concepts to reality

Acceleration Through Innovation 2 supports business innovation across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. ATI2 is a part-funded ERDF programme intensively working with businesses who are looking to adopt innovative processes or commercially exploit new ideas and technology as an opportunity for the development of their business.

Partnering you with dedicated business innovation advisors

When you begin your journey with ATI2, your dedicated advisor will work with you to design a package of support that is bespoke to your business. Through the utilisation of specialist innovation tools, they will enable you to drive your idea forward; whether its developing a new product, process or service, exploiting a new market, cultivating an innovation mind-set or improving the way the business functions.

With access to the innovation grant fund

Through the Innovation support process, it may become apparent that financial assistance is required in order for you to take the next step. We know that innovation can be a cost to business so for those seeking investment, the Innovation Grant fund is accessible by application to qualifying Cornish SMEs.

To complete academic research with the University of Plymouth

The importance of innovation in business cannot be underestimated. In order to create a sustainable business that can stand the test of time, business leaders need to consider the ways in which their business can be innovative so that they can lead the way and gain competitive advantage.

Pop-up Innovation Centres for you and your team

Our Pop-Up Innovation Centres take the services of the Cornwall Innovation Centres out to the wider business community. The Pop-ups ensure that the benefits of innovation support and incubation for innovative businesses are accessible across the geography of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

And student intern placements to support your business growth

ATI2 offers businesses the chance to work with a University of Plymouth Intern for a period of 2 months. Focusing on a specific innovation project or filling a much needed skills gap, an intern can bring fresh perspective and new ideas to a business.

This is the start of your journey

Register your interest to speak with our innovation experts today…

Join the Cornwall Innovation Club

Become a member of Cornwall’s forward thinking business community, attend exclusive knowledge sharing webinars and access innovation expertise…